Thursday, 25 October 2012

The Casserole Queen

Not me - if I were the casserole queen I'd demand to use the line let them eat casserole - but some annoying actress on a TV ad, saying (obviously from her script) she merits that title because she re-heats something bought at Morrison's or Asda (I think). I hate to think what it costs to feed a family on such cook-chill stuff, but I'm willing to bet it is rather higher than the cheapo midweek chicken stew we had two nights ago: £1 for four plump chicken drumsticks, £0.50 for a half-pack (if that) of 'recipe bacon' (as ever I found one with what amount to massive bacon-chop off-cuts, perfect to dice big or small), a giant leek from the allotment, two big carrots, a parsnip, an onion, and three spuds. A single red chilli and a shake or two of smoked paprika pepped it up, celery salt and a fat clove of garlic added depth. Thickened with cornflour (how unfashionable) it was unctuous and comforting, with a bit of bite too. The juices we dipped up with doorstep slices from a cottage loaf.

If the lot - enough for dinner for we two lumberjacks currently at home, and for me to reheat next day for my lunch - came to £2.50 I'd be surprised. The sad thing is that many of those who really need to get by on such sums will be spending more on the supermarket versions, lacking the basic cookery skills to fend properly for themselves.

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