Wednesday 13 February 2013

Upside to the Horsemeat Scandal

The good news from the horsemeat scandal is that butchers, properly trained old-fashioned stripy-aproned butchers, are seeing a boost in trade. The logic is inescapable: people know that major supermarkets, however much they protest, are about price, price price. We now have an example of where that leads. Processed food cannot it seems be trusted, so the alternative is for people to return to cooking for themselves. And for trustworthy ingredients I'd rather go to Jack Jones Butcher than any massive corporation.

Sadly I don't think this will last. There are people so lazy and incapable they keep a hopeful eye out for a microwavable boiled egg. And it seems MacDonald's have avoided any taint in this scandal, so the hordes of ready-meal addicts will doubtless make their way there more frequently. That vile ad campaign at present - 'Don't Cook, Just Eat' (I keep looking for the sub-title 'If you are sad, have no taste, wish to be spotty and obese and smell of rancid fat' but I keep missing it) - is a measure of things to come.

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