Friday, 3 June 2016

Ten Things They Don't Want You to Know About Soup

  1. In the 1950s government instructions in case of nuclear attack included 'prepare some soup - soup makes everything feel better.'
  2. The brief advertising career of Franz Kafka ended after he suggested the slogan 'Brotschka's soup - endless misery and pointless longing.'
  3. In the 1930s engineer Dwayne Q. Snetterton devised a car engine that ran on chicken stock, clocking 2500mpg, but Big Oil murdered him and supressed his invention.
  4. The Duke of Windsor believed he could cure his syphilis by dipping his gentleman's sausage in a bowl of piping hot cock-a-leekie. He was misinformed.
  5. America lost the Vietnam War because their troops ran out of those little crackers they serve with soup for no obvious reason.
  6. Shortly before Ronald Reagan was elected President the CIA is known to have carried out experiments on mind-altering soups. 
  7. Sir Walter Raleigh brought the first soup back to England from the New World.
  8. There is more potential energy in a litre of cabbage soup than a kilo of plutonium.
  9. It is rumoured that Prince Charles has a man to blow on his soup for him.
  10. It is rumoured that Prince Edward has a man to explain what soup is to him.

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