Something cooked yesterday made me think about how hard it is to cook with bad equipment, and easy with good. I breaded some turkey breast steaks and baked them in a hot oven in a sturdy non-stick roasting dish that has lasted years and will probably outlive me. They worked really well. Try that on a thin version and you'd burn them and/or the coating would stick and be lost.
Same with pans, moreso maybe. Try making an omelette in either a warped pan, or one with a thin bottom (the two faults usually go together), and tears will follow.
I pull back in horror in supermarkets when passing their 'bargain' cookware. If you can waft a pan like a table tennis bat it is too light. And they are not bargains, as the thin base will be ruined in weeks, the food cooked therein often burned and buggered, and you'll have to replace them. Message to those starting out in life, buy the best you can afford and save money in the long run. Or as I did originally, 'borrow' a few good pieces from parents.
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