Monday, 26 November 2012

Capital Investment - The Vacuum Flask

We lashed out a possibly ridiculous £25 for a wide-mouthed vacuum flask on Saturday, the idea being that I can save/freeze and later use reheated for Ruth's lunches the small portions of leftover stews and soups that otherwise end up too often in the fridge for a week, then shifted to the bin. In this weather something hot is more welcome than any salad. It's a Stanley, tough as old boots - and like good boots should last a lifetime. Though 20 years ago she had another drinks flask by the same company that was also supposed to be unbreakable. She left it in a bag behind the car, forgot about it, for some reason reversed the car out of the drive... we did not claim on the guarantee.

I am less nervous about buying expensive things than cheap ones. Cheap usually means short-lived, expensive the opposite. Unless you back a car over something.

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