Monday, 7 April 2014

Several of Your 103 a Day

We love our fruit and veg in this household. I'd rather eat a mixed salad than a plate of chips, especially if they are the soggy ones that chip shops now seem to specialise in (what used to be a treat at the Norfolk seaside has become something to avoid of late).

It's just as well we like them, as our alternative eating programme (SC and I have both lost 9lb or so) majors on F&V. Even we would struggle under normal circs, however, to get to what one fears is rapidly heading towards a dietary requirement of 103 portions a day. It was scary, btw, to hear during the recent spate of stories about such intakes that many Brits, and not just the economically challenged, don't manage a single portion in their normal daily routine.

Yesterday's pudding stood us in good stead for some sort of campaign medal. As we were eating lamb (slow roast in a raised rack to let the fat drip out) as main I made a fruit salad for pud. Not something I do often, as childhood memories of tinned versions - nasty plasticky cherries and all - served up at school and on occasion at home have left a scar. This was all fresh - half a tray of blueberries that needed using up, ditto strawbs, some oranges and satsumas, grapes, apples... all in orange juice not the vile syrup that accompanied 1970s versions. It was so good we ended up drinking the remaining juice.

When you do the sums that treat - for such it was - cost I think less than a carton of the beloved Ben and Jerry's Phish Food ice cream. Say 90p for the blueberries, same for the strawbs, £1.30 for the citrus, 25p for the apple and 20p the grapes, then 30p the juice. So £3.85 for something really delicious that also made us feel a teensy bit virtuous. Or smug.

I have no intention of posting a video online, leaving the beneficial effects on ones digestion this morning to the imagination. And stating that we have no need of colonic irrigation here thanks very much. Too subtle?

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