Thursday, 20 September 2012

I Love it When a Plan Comes Together

Faced with a block of tofu rapidly approaching its sell-by-date (it had seemed like a good healthy idea in the shop), some chicken leftovers from a roast at the weekend also in need of quick use, and the liquid and veg remains of a very unsuccessful stew, I incorporated them all in a curry.

The stew remains (which as stews do proved tastier after a day or so in the fridge than they were when first cooked) were put through a sieve to get the juices, the chicken cut into small chunks, and the tofu simply sliced into bits the size of a big Lego brick. A chopped onion and a few pieces of red pepper were fried, then some slices of fresh ginger added (another fridge bottom find, so calling it fresh is stretching things). Juice poured in and thickened with cornflour, flavoured with soy sauce, curry powder and lots of cayenne, followed after a minute or two of simmering by the tofu and chicken, and the lot left to bubble quietly while rice was cooked.

The fridge curry can be a horror, a reminder of student days, but this one was really good, the cayenne giving it a back-of-the-throat kick, the tofu and chicken contrasting textures, and the sauce thick and satisfying. I do love it when a plan comes together, though I would have been happier had my son not insisted on calling the dish a soup.

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